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About Moonstone

04/02/2016 1030 0 1

The ancient Romans believed  that moonstone, with its unearthly and  delicate shimmer, was formed from frozen moonlight. This alluring gem variety does shine with a  lunar light but it is the mineral feldspar, that creates the moonstone shimmer. The shimmer, which is called  adularescence or schiller, is due to the intermix of two different types of feldspar mineral, with different refractive indexes.

Moonstone jewellery is always popular  and is seen in both modern and vintage jewellery. The moonstone pendants , and earrings below are available from our moonstone jewellery collection

Above right :Moonstone and aquamarine pendant from Moonstone Jewellery Collection at Modern Vintage Style
For moonstone necklaces, click here


Moonstones come in a range of colours. The main body color can range from colorless to gray, brown,  green, or pink. The clarity varies from transparent to translucent. The best type of moonstone has a blue sheen, great clarity, and a colorless main body color. Another related feldspar variety is commonly known as rainbow moonstone. In this type, the sheen is a variety of different rainbow hues, from pink to yellow, to peach, blue and purple,

Fine moonstone is quite rare and these days becoming rarer. It is generally mined in Sri Lanka and Southern India. The rainbow variety of moonstone can be found in India and Madagascar.

Moonstones are usually cut in a smooth-domed oval cabochon shape to enhance the effect. Sometimes moonstones are carved to show a man-in-the-moon face.

Moonstone should generally  not be stored in contact with your other gemstones in order to prevent scratching.They should be  cleaned with mild dish soap: You can use a toothbrush to scrub behind the stone where dust may collect.